
High End equipment distributor

We are a major provider in supplying high quality equipment, materials and tools to the automotive, fabrication and aerospace industries. We hold sole distribution rights in South East Asia for world renowned and quality brands from around the world.

Click below to learn more about our partners.

Green Spray Painting Booths

Newera Auto Envirotech prides ourselves in being the leading environmental control spray painting booth distributor, specialising in the state of the art Nova Verta Spray booths and its installation and after sales maintenance.

In order to combat global warming and climate change, we aim to provide environmentally friendly solutions to the industry in order to encourage customers to implement and inherit sustainable "green" methods as well as advocating for health and safety.

Clean Room & Dust Extraction

Other than the Nova Verta spray painting booth, we also collaborate with them to supply other products like clean room, sanding booth, preparation booth, mixing rooms and environmental control booth.

We always seek to be the turn-key solution provider for factory or workshop fumes including dust extration systems, air filtrations and energy saving systems.

We also undertake industrial air conditioning systems projects tailored to your needs and requirements.